Thursday, October 31, 2019

Reflective Account Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Reflective Account - Essay Example 3. Generalised analysis and learning - moving away from the specific example, what did this raise about how the volunteering practice and theory relate to each other more generally (e.g. did a conversation raise any issues about the methods used by the agency? or about working professionally? or did the meeting or activity raise issues about policy or systems or procedures?) The conversation really made me understand the importance of volunteering practice as a bridge between theoretical work and practice. The school encourages teachers to be very close to the unique needs of students. The teachers are expected to act on the student’s needs in manners that motivate and encourage renewed energy. This was one case invoked me to place myself as the teacher in the shoes of the student in Oder to understand her predicament and act practically appropriately. Following the conversation I saw the need to follow up and assist motivate the student so as to help her develop a better self image despite the situation. My follow up will involve helping the girl adopt strategies that help her turn her situation into an opportunity to excel in her academic and general life. In future as part of my learning and development I will be more careful hewn handling learners from different social, cultural and economic backgrounds. These are factors affecting behaviour and communication among learners and as a teacher I need to be more proactive and culturally

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Critically review the case law concerning the ascertainment of Essay

Critically review the case law concerning the ascertainment of employee status and consider whether the current tests are fit fo - Essay Example Moreover, employees usually are taxed within a diverse tax regime; under the PAYE, while the self-employed usually pay their taxes at the end of each tax year. This is due to the fact that self employed work generally falls under a contract for services while the employed work under a contract of services1. Nonetheless, there is a certain amount of ambiguity linked to the legal formula by which workers are categorized. In this view, the effectiveness of the law may be questioned. Furthermore, some perceive that the current classifications have grown to become too rigid to deal efficiently with the advancement of non-standard employment forums. Such queries have proved to be the subject of many policy-oriented and legal analyses for the last two decades. Many studies have looked into employers’ reasons as to why the employed flexible forms of work. This paper offers a critical review of the given law as it relates to the means by which employee status and a consideration as to whether the current tests are suitable for purpose. The ‘worker’ concept One way for augmenting the number of people covered by employment law includes the use of the wider definition of worker and not employee as the basis for determining protective legislation2. This would include even people who do not have employment contracts but still contract to offer their own individual services to their employers. To some extent, they are economically dependent on the business of their employer. In some way, this broader definition is useful for fair treatment legislation and that which touches on the payment of wages. Recently, the legislation was approved by the National Minimum Wage Act 1998 as well as under regulations that implement the Working Time Directive3. Nonetheless, most of its aspects with regards to its use have remained unclear. There appears to be extremely few decisions about the distinction between a self employed worker and an employee. For this reason, it is hard to comprehend how many people would be affected by extending employment protection rights to those under the definition ‘workers’ and not ‘employees’. Employment status The hardship linked with defining workers, employees, and the self-employed, as well as the issues of giving status to individuals in non-standard work, have added several practical implications to the execution of the law in practice. Ambiguities that surround the distinction between the self-employed and employees should mean that there are many of those who enjoy employment rights without their knowledge. On the other hand, those who may thing they fall under employee category, and therefore enjoy employment rights, may turn out otherwise on close legal scrutiny. This uncertainty may mean that some employers may leave out their obligations4. The Law Governing the Classification of Employment Relationships The decisive factor by which legal classification are decided on are not put down in legislation, however, they have been hugely developed through what is known as Case Law. In particular, four tests are relied on: ‘Integration’, ‘Control’, ‘mutuality of obligation’, and ‘business reality’. Behind such states are a known determinant that includes the means of payment, the stability and the overall length of the employment relationship, as well as the degree of coverage of

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Rote Leaning Of Thailand Education Essay

The Rote Leaning Of Thailand Education Essay Education system is important all over the world. It concerns the future of a country by educating children who will become a countrys future. The issue of whether Thailand should revise its educational system has been a very big topic. We think that Thai education system is good, but it isnt. Thai education system should be reformed. This report will be mentioning about the problems that Thai education system are facing, which is the rote learning. Rote learning is a learning technique which focuses on memorization. The major practice involved in rote learning is learning by repetition by which students commit information to memory in a highly structured way. The idea is that one will be able to quickly recall the meaning of the material the more one repeats it. Rote methods are routinely used when quick memorization is required. (Emma, 2012) Teaching by rote is an old-fashioned and ineffective way of teaching. It relies on learners remembering and reciting lists of information. What is not taught in rote learning is the full well rounded understanding of the subject. That is why you should say no to rote learning at any level. Mainstream education in Thailand is mostly done by teaching from the front and rote learning. Teachers give lessons and information to students by chalkboards while the pupils listen passively and occasionally take notes. Reformations are planned to change the countrys education system. After brainstorming and sharing our experience, the production team can list the causes of the rote learning of Thailand as follow. Firstly, students lack of critical thinking skills, because of Thai students memorize everything in the books, and dont find the true knowledge by themselves. Most knowledge was traditionally transmitted orally and not in writing. Secondly, education in Thailand is based on the textbook because Thai teacher will not find other lessons that are not in the textbook to teach. They follow all of the text in the books. If the state publishes textbooks for students are late, the education method will be carried out in the same delay. The third is teachers give lessons and information to students by chalkboards while the pupils listen passively and occasionally take notes. The curriculum is blamed that it aimed only to teach students to listen, speak and write and know about Thai literature. It failed to make students loving the language and knowing enough to c reate their own work. Half of our old primary and secondary school students failed their Thai language test. Thai language knowledge of primary and secondary school students has been declining. We think there is nothing wrong with the aims of the curriculum (teaching listening, speaking, writing and literature). It must be the way it is being taught is not working. Making students love the language is a teachers job. Changing the curriculum without changing the teachers or training them better wont help at all. I think a lot of Thai students are in danger of an over teaching of this educational method. If an education is mainly based on learning by using memory more than understanding (which is what rote learning is), graduates might turn out to be well-educated parrots rather than proficient scholars capable of creative and critical thinking. Not only children are bad at learning English, they arent good at Thai neither. It is very important for Thai students to master their mother tongue before leaning second language. I have to agree that putting more focus on reading and writing and introducing more enjoyable learning activities could enhance the students interest in learning. As mentioned above, we found the solutions to solve the rote learning of Thailand. At first, the Ministry of Education should push teachers to make sure the students learn critical thinking and problem solving skills. We see a serious need to develop the teachers quality, which should raise the quality of instruction as well as students learning. The training has to be given to teachers to ensure their solid knowledge of what they teach. Teachers should explore effective teaching methods and materials they have never tried before. With the teachers more willing to think outside the box, students are likely to have more fun at school. Classroom should not be just the learning place. Teachers can extend teaching space from classrooms to the other places such as museums, local markets or even paddy fields. There is knowledge everywhere. Going outside must teach students to search for the truth by themselves from various dimensions of truth, from various contexts where the truths are sit uated. Because there is no one-size-fits-all solution, teachers could re-design their classroom setting and teaching methods in line with their students pace of learning. However, the problems can be fixed but it has to take a long time. If we all change our own learning behaviors from now on, its not too long to develop the Thai learning styles. Finally, if Thailand wants to be part of the global community of scholars and innovators, sending its sons and daughters to foreign centers of study and research, in other words study and work abroad, Thai policy-makers will have to realize soon that swift and efficient action has to be taken, better sooner than later. Studying at a foreign university or working for an international company requires a fair amount of creativity, critical and inventive thinking, original ideas and the capability of having and expressing ones personal opinions. If Thai education doesnt prepare students for these challenges, Thailand will never become the centre of anything in the world, and it will forever remain a backbencher in the eyes of the international community.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Fall of Communism From Different Perspectives Essay -- History Analysi

When a major event takes place in history it is not surprising that many interpretations of these events will arise. As humans we tend to have different feelings and therefore different interpretations, especially on events that impact our lives and society. The fact that our judgments are different does not entail that either of our interpretations are wrong. Rather, it means that our different judgments can be combined in order to gain a new form of knowledge that envelops various points of view. This is the case with the interpretations of the groundbreaking fall of Communism that took place in eastern European countries in the late 20th century. The book The Magic Lantern is Timothy Garton Ash’s interpretation of the Revolutions of 1989 that took place in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin and Prague. Bonnie G. Smith offers a similar but distinct contemporary interpretation of the Revolutions of 1989 in her book Europe in the Contemporary World. Lastly, John K. Glenn’s †Å"Competing Challengers and Contested Outcomes to State Breakdown† offers his opinion about the events that led to a democratic Czechoslovakia. In Ash’s account of the fall of communism in Warsaw, Poland he focuses on the behind the scenes propositions and decisions that were pondered by organizations such as Poland’s Solidarity group. Ash had close relationships with the leaders of the Solidarity group. In describing their actions, he calls them his â€Å"friends† on numerous occasions and even describes instances when he spent times with individuals such as Jacek Kuron, who was the co-founder of the Worker’s Defense Committee. Ash reports that he â€Å"†¦had a drink with Jacek Kuron, who passed the time before his results came in by giving a hilarious account on his first trip t... are not influenced by personal beliefs or feelings. Above all the combination of their work allows us to absorb information that envelops all their points of view which makes for a better understanding of the Revolutions of 1989. I dare say that ultimately that was the main goal of Timothy Garton Ash, Bonnie G. Smith and John K.Glenn. Works Cited †¢ Garton, Ash Timothy. The Magic Lantern: the Revolution of '89 Witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin, and Prague. New York: Random House, 1990. Print. †¢ Smith, Bonnie G. Europe in the Contemporary World, 1900 to the Present: a Narrative History with Documents. Boston: Bedford / St. Martin's, 2007. Print. †¢ Glenn, John K. "Competing Challengers and Contested Outcomes to State Breakdown: The Velvet Revolution." Social Forces 78.1 (1999): 187-211. JSTOR. Web. 10 Dec. 2010. .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Critique of Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan

Wright State University Modern Political Philosophy Essay 1 Critique of Thomas Hobbes’s â€Å"Leviathan† Wes Miller PHL 432 Donovan Miyasaki 10/9/2012 Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher best known for his 1651 text â€Å"Leviathan†. In â€Å"Leviathan† Hobbes suggests that human nature is one of competition, diffidence, and glory. I will argue against this assertion, claiming that human nature is not one of war and mistrust, but one of cooperation and collaboration. I will conclude by stating that man works together to achieve the common goal of survival, happiness, and advancement of the human race.Hobbes begins his explanation of the state of nature in chapter 13 of â€Å"Leviathan† by stating that all men are equal in nature. Although one man may be stronger or more intelligent than another, humans are relatively equal in every way because of their ability to manipulate and form alliances: â€Å"For as to the strength of body, the weakest has strength enough to kill the strongest, either by secret machination, or by confederacy with others, that are in the same danger as himself. †1 Because men are all equal, Hobbes believed that they desire the same things. If two men share the same desire, they become enemies.If all men are equal, there is no way for one man to be master of all other men. If a single man were to attempt to gain power over all other men, he would be overthrown by those he was trying to have power over. Considering that all are naturally equal, and all naturally desire the same things, the nature of man, according to Hobbes, is war: â€Å"So that in the nature of man, we find three principal causes of quarrel. First, competition; secondly, diffidence; thirdly, glory† (293). In this constant state of war there is no desire for any technological advancements or culture because there would be no use for either.Many other aspects of life are thrown aside as well: â€Å"no navigation, nor us e of the commodities that may be imported by sea; no commodious building; no instruments of moving, and removing such things as require much force; no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitarily, poor, nasty, brutish, and short† (293). Hobbes claims that in this state of nature, there is no place for any type of justice or understanding of right and wrong.Because there is no society, there is no agreement on any type of guidelines between men. Because there are no guidelines, there is no way to be unjust. Therefore, every action in the state of nature is just. For example, it is perfectly just to steal from someone if they hold something that you desire (such as food, shelter, etc. ) Hobbes goes on to explain that the only reasons that humans would be in a state of peace would be the fear of death and the desire for commodious liv ing. Hobbes gives a very pessimistic view of human nature.If his claims that the human nature is one of competition, diffidence, and glory were correct, the world that we live in today would be impossible to achieve. If every man was constantly at war with every other man as Hobbes claims, there would be absolutely no room for any technological advancement. He says this himself: â€Å"In such condition, there is no place for industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain† (293). If what Hobbes claims is true, the human race would not even exist. Mankind would have destroyed itself before it was able to create any kind of society.Simply by looking back at how the world evolved to be the way it is today, anyone can see that the human race as a whole has been extremely successful. Humans worked together, formed alliances, and constantly took steps to achieve a more balanced society. Although many of these attempts have been unsuccessful, they were still attempts nonetheless. T he fact that the advancement of society was even attempted proves that humans had to have worked together. I agree with Hobbes’s view that no man can be master of all men, but I do, however, believe that some men can be masters of some men.For example, the monarchial systems of England and China were successful for thousands of years. Humans have a pack mentality, much like wolves. Some are leaders, and others are followers, this has been true since the dawn of man. There have always been chieftains, kings, and presidents leading a group of other humans. Because of this system, all men are not entirely equal. Some men have power over other men. The situations in which men can be at peace with each other is exactly what Hobbes said, fear of death, but is it not true that all men fear death?If man did not fear death, the human race would die out. There has to be a fear of death in order to survive. So, if there must be a fear of death to survive, and all men have a natural fear death, would this not mean that man’s nature is one of peace? One might argue that the societies in place today are constantly at war with each other, that societies are groups of people acting as an individual, proving that Hobbes’s idea of a human nature in which we are constantly at war is correct. I would reply, however, with another question.Isn’t society a result of a mass amount of collaboration between human beings? Because the societies at war are made up of a large group of people acting as an individual, one can come to the conclusion that before societies were created, there was only cooperation. If human nature is one of constant conflict and mistrust, societies could not have been created in the first place. So, if before society existed there was only cooperation, one could say that society itself is the cause of all conflict, the opposite of Hobbes’s suggestion.I have argued that Hobbes’s idea of the human nature being one of const ant conflict and mistrust is false. Humans have always trusted each other and worked together to advance the species as a whole. If there wasn’t cooperation before society, society would have never existed at all. Hobbes states that human nature does not allow industrial advancement, but industrial advancement has obviously been achieved. He claims that man can only be at peace when he fears death, yet men naturally fear death, therefore man’s nature is one of peace.The fact that Societies are constantly at war does not prove Hobbes’s theory correct, it does the opposite. Societies are a result of humans working together, therefore human nature is one of cooperation. It is difficult to know how humans would act in a complete state of nature, but merely the fact that man exists today is proof that our nature is not one of war. 1. Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, in Political Philosophy: The Essential Texts, ed. Steven M. Cahn (New York: Oxford, 2011), 293

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Differences and Similarities between Federal and State Governments

The federal and state governments of the United State have apparent differences and similarities. This nature is based with the principle that there should be an existing central governing supremacy as exemplified by the federal government of U. S. Aside from a national ruling; however, it is still essential that state governments handle and control the concerns and interests most significant for the people of particular state. It is in comparing and contrasting the said structures of governments that American administration proves its purpose and essence to the society and its people.Similar to the federal government, every state government carries on with an established charter that determines the link between the governmental establishments and associations even at the level of state governments. All state institutions comprise a structure of separation of powers within the three branches of government. While President is the primary federal government head, a Governor heads the e xecutive branch of state government.The legislative branch of the federal government is composed of the Senate and House of Representatives whereas state governments have mostly lower houses, based from its bicameral type of legislature. While both government structures appear to be similar as far as the nature of their respective Congress, they differ in the frequency of legislature meetings. In the judicial aspect, federal judges are nominated by the President while election takes place in choosing state courts judges (Williams, 1998).William confirmed that federalism works but then asserted that states work well and even better than federal governments. This is because unlike federalism, states actually have federal structures even though they are not operating on a federal foundation. This simply means that states adhere with and apply the federal principles being performed by the federal government in the structure of state governments which made it more effective to the people of American states (Williams, 1998).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Global Web Services †The Web Solution Your Business Is Looking For

Global Web Services – The Web Solution Your Business Is Looking For Free Online Research Papers Global Web Services The Web Solution Your Business Is Looking For Executive summary Global Web Services is a new company specialized in website design and hosting for small business in France. We are now focused in the Latin and Chinese communities which have established small enterprises in France and that are currently searching for new, low cost, advertising opportunities. In order to offer the best price to our customers, our whole company is organized around a low cost strategy that takes advantage of globalization, outsourcing and the latest internet technologies to satisfy our primary criteria, which is to bring value to our customers. Because we know that low cost means nothing if there is no quality involved, our company is currently implementing a Total Quality Management system that allow us to bring to the customer exactly what he is asking for. From the standardized brief taking in the first interview to the final customer’s survey our processes are normalized which, in itself, constitutes the best warranty that our clients get exactly what the have asked for. We invite you to read carefully the following marketing program which also constitutes our business offer to you. We hope you will find in our starting company a great business opportunity. We also want to invite you to visit us at if you would like to know anything else about our business or to simply contact us at Table of contents Executive summary 1 Table of contents 3 Current market situation 5 Who are our clients? 6 Offer design 7 Opportunity and issue analysis 8 Internal Opportunities: 8 Low-cost site hosting in US 8 Professional design crews 8 Motivated Sales force 9 External opportunities: 9 Huge market demand 9 Competitive price 10 Threats 10 Internal threats 10 People 10 Physical evidence 10 External threats 11 Marketing Strategy 11 Outsourcing 12 Hosting and Domain Registration 12 Labor force 13 Specialization and Commercial Alliances 14 Localization 15 Custom made solutions 15 Multi language solutions 15 Pricing 16 Action programs 16 Financial projections 17 Assumptions 17 Cash Flow projection 22 Current market situation The website design industry in France for small business is very fragmented with no company getting anywhere near a dominant position. This is indeed a big opportunity for a specialized company like Global Web Services which is highly adaptable and can establish quickly a niche position. Small businesses themselves, these companies rely on web engine positioning, and in event based campaigns like the latest Salon des Entrepreneurs, to acquire new clients. E-mail marketing is also another powerful tool for this industry and they try to make the most out of it, by limiting pricing and availability of services to registered visitors of their web pages . Direct sales, either door to door or by telephone are not very used in this industry, probably because of the difficulty involved in choosing the right target. The most competed market is the pre-designed one which is also the cheapest option available for the consumer. A person or an enterprise looking to set up a website can just get into the internet and buy a pro-forma of a web site for just 500 euros, which will then fill it himself with his own content (pictures and text). Of course it comes with the sacrifice of originality and gives very little room to particular needs or customization. Sharply contrasting with this situation is the upper end of the market, where there are just a few big players like Microsoft, ORACLE and SAP with the necessary competences to offer very complex, custom made database and office integration tools that also include, as a plus, the corporate websites. Who are our clients? Our clients are small business with no more than 10 employees, located in the metropolitan France which are owned by immigrants coming from the South American region or China which are interested in finding new ways of promoting their business. For our clients a website is the opportunity of obtaining a more corporative image, get a low-cost permanent showroom for their business. In terms of the stage in the purchase decision process, our clients are, for the most part, first time prospects, who have not yet purchased a corporate website. Due to their ethnical origin they feel more comfortable doing business in their own language (sometimes there is just a great language problem). It is also more likely that they would want to buy from a vendor who understands their business, who explains things well, and whom they can trust. Special attention is given to the fact that as first time prospects, our customers require a considerable amount of information which is supported by our sales force, and, of course, our own website . Offer design We have developed different offers for different types of industries. It can either be consumer industries or service industries. As a matter of fact, the type of industry does not change much in our business because it’s the clients that provide the text that they wish to include in their website. We of course make sure that the website maintains our client’s corporate identity because a website has to be just an extension of an already established corporate identity. Our design crews are capable of making websites according to clients’ requirements, no matter what industry they are in. For example, a travel agency might need to put many images of the countries that they are promoting; a telecommunication company would require specific charts to show tariffs of different destinations; an independent movie studio might want to put some videos of their distribution. All personalisation can be realised by our professional design crews located in their home countries that achieve the same quality at much lower prices than in France. Being small businesses themselves, our customers are price oriented, they do not have big budgets just destined to website creation and maintenance, and nevertheless they want the same design quality and functionality of a medium or big company website. Nonetheless, technically speaking, these companies belong to the category of small or medium sized companies and their websites are normally simple in terms of technical resources, time required and complexity. Concrete examples Let’s think for a moment about the owner of a tà ©là ©boutique, (call shop), where people can make cheap phone calls, local or international, to a fixed phone or to a mobile. It can be a pizzeria or Indian restaurant with delivery service, a Chinese traiteur, a dry-cleaning service. Someone of our sales team can go into one of Chinese restaurants and discuss with the owner to find out a solution that corresponds to his or her needs. Our clients can either have their own tailor-made website or purchase a ready-to-use model to which our design crew would make some minor modifications, for example, adding some images provided by the client. It all depends on the clients’ different requirements and budgets. Opportunity and issue analysis Internal Opportunities: Low-cost site hosting in US As we host our clients’ sites in the United States instead of Europe, the hosting cost for our clients is much lower than if they do it in France. It is an important advantage in terms of budget saving. Low site hosting does not necessarily mean low quality. Our clients are provided with a complete set of services just as what they could have in France. The networks we choose are very stable with excellent maintenance and 24 x 7 timely technical support in case of problem, which remains rare. Professional design crews We have a pool of professional website designers in low labour cost countries, like mainland China, and Colombia. All of our design crews are professionals with a lot of experience in this field. They have already designed various types of websites for clients in different industries and work very efficiently. They understand clients’ needs very well and can adapt to correspond to clients’ requirements. Motivated Sales force Our sales team is made up of college students recruited in France and work part time mainly being remunerated with commissions which are determined by their sales results. The advantage of recruiting students is that they have generally well educated and have adequate knowledge and theories of the business world. They are eager to apply what they have learned in theory into the real world. More to the point, both GWS and they will benefit from the full month of training which is the starting point of the internship in our company. They also have flexible hours, some have free mornings, and others just the afternoons or the evenings and that allows them to work without affecting their studies while giving us the possibility of reach multiple targets like restaurants and pubs. The most part of our recruits are foreign students studying in France because of their language ability to communicate with the clients. There is also the fact that foreign students, for the most part, have financial constraints and are motivated to earn a little bit more by themselves to lessen their family’s heavy burden. Handling the heavy part of the sales and also being the company mentors are the more experienced salesmen and women who earn a basic salary of 2695 euros plus a variable pay that depends on the sales commissions. These are the people finalizing the sales process and in charge of taking the full brief from the customer. External opportunities: Huge market demand We have found a big, neglected market in the ethnic communities which is most of the times just relying in simple technicians or in particular persons (not enterprises). Most of our clients are the proud owners of a small business or a family business and they are very good at what they do, they also recognize the advantages of setting up a website for their companies but lack the technical expertise and necessary contacts to make it happen. That’s exactly what we can provide. Competitive price As we are fully capable to lower any certifiable business offer by 20% in France and our potential clients are very price oriented, we have an unbeatable advantage over our competitors. Threats Internal threats As any other service company we are facing threats too, mainly coming from the two additional Ps in the service marketing: people and physical evidence. People As our design crews are subcontracted companies, they also have clients in their respective home country, thus it is possible that they prioritize their work at hand and not be punctual when working for us. We, of course have the advantage of a bigger budget and the easy to use of our TQM assurance system. Physical evidence We do not have a huge office and our sales force is mainly students working part time. To our potential clients we might not be the most credible web design company. Our solution is to add as much physical evidence as possible, for example, we can require our sales force to wear relatively formal outfits when going to see clients, better with a portable computer with which he or she can show the client concretely what we have to offer, our achieved work and explain, with the added advantage of speaking our client’s mother language, why we are cheaper and how much we are cheaper. External threats Our biggest weakness is that our model is easily copied. Another company can just start hiring web designers outside the EU space. Luckily, and due mainly to the rigidity of the French laws, we have some time to consolidate ourselves before this actually happens. Besides the fact that our whole company is organized around a low cost strategy (very difficult to copy), we are aware of this threat and we can respond with a three pronged defence: We can assure quality and we will have a better brand awareness. Our profit margin is quite high, so we could undergo a price war. We have designed a program that gradually adds value to our offer trough our business associates capabilities and by adding value to our core offer. For example we can offer our clients three free modifications of their site once it is finished. Marketing Strategy Taking advantage of the Voip technologies and of the virtual office integration technologies our company has defined a low cost strategy which will be present at all times in our company. From the web hosting, to the design and actual construction of a web site we maintain a global scope that allow us to take advantage of economies of scale, spare capacity and low labor costs. We also aim for low cost with our regular staff in France who have the opportunity of developing their normal work tasks in virtual offices where they have regular virtual meetings and share presentations regularly. Of course, being environmentally friendly, here at Discount Web Pages we have a zero paper policy which is consistent with our TQM system. This virtual office feature is not only loved by our people who, for the most part will work at home or will be visiting our clients, but allows us to maintain a very little office in Paris which is complemented with the regular renting of a meeting and conference room where our sales force receives training. Outsourcing Hosting and Domain Registration More than 70% percent of the websites in the world are physically located in the United States, effectively creating a very competitive economy of scale that currently (after the dot com bubble went of) has a moderate spare capacity and is fully scalable. Service is excellent also, not just because it takes advantage of the world class infrastructure of the United States (power supply, culturally centered on customers, stable macroeconomic conditions). With prices ranging from $5, 95 to $30 per month, for medium range hosting services this is a competitive advantage that we are willing to translate directly to our customers with the compromise that we will find the best value offer for their needs. Additionally we are willing to offer our clients a â€Å".com† domain registration which is open for business all around the world and that is currently the most affordable alternative. With an average of $20 per year, the â€Å".com† constitutes a very good value proposition which contrasts sharply with the EU$ 45 of the â€Å".fr† domain registration which will also be available for our most traditional clients. Labor force As both, a labor and technology intensive industry, the website design industry can benefit greatly from outsourcing because it can effectively cut production costs to more than half. First, there is a benefit to be obtained from the localized pricing of the software producer companies (Computer Assisted Design Packages like Macromedia Dream weaver, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft FrontPage, etc.) which can go as low as 35% percent less, depending on the country and the particular company policies . Global Web Services will benefit directly from this policies in the case of our in house designers and translators and indirectly, in the case of our sub contractors. Professional services are also cheaper in developing countries which give us the opportunity to sub contract most of our services at a 50% discount most of the times while attracting the best workforce available because of our good salaries . Specialization and Commercial Alliances Always bringing value to our customers, Global Web Services, have established a set of strategic joint ventures with business that share our same market philosophy. This empowers us to focus on our core business while offering a very complete solution without a significant price increase. We have made a brief description of each one of them, as well as an analysis to the added value they provide to our clients. Turner Translations – This well established multi language translation business located in the United States provides our clients with the ability to set up multi language websites at very competitive prices because they also outsource in Latin America. The Sweat Shop – Based in Bogot Colombia, this small company boost a top of the market designers crew at below the average price. Customers needing special designs, or even whole corporate image studies can rely on us to translate directly their needs to this company or even contact them directly via our top of the line virtual office capabilities. This is also a very good business opportunity for GWS because it gives us the opportunity to further differentiate ourselves from other non-branded website designers. Alleati – Based also in Bogot, Colombia, this medium company is specialized in back end solutions that allow companies to enhance their websites with advanced database technologies. Professional Business Consulting Services Recognizing that our clients are mostly family business of immigrants that are looking for ways to grow in the close future we have pulled together a database of professional business consultants of certified MBA level that are willing to provide marketing and Financial consulting services in languages other than French or English. Localization Custom made solutions Our goal is to be the company that better understands our niche of the market, our company is able to function in the client’s native language, and more to the point, is willing to undergo a process of three interviews (more if they are needed) on which our client first defines his needs, second has the opportunity of seeing and correcting a beta version of his website and, finally sees the final product and has the opportunity to make the final changes. Each of these interviews is documented in a standardized document designed under the standards of our Total Quality Management system. In order to assure this objective, we have created a two tier sales force which is going to provide a very professional assistance to our clients. Multi language solutions Based on the fact that most of our clients are targeting both, the French mainstream market and also, ethnic customers that would prefer to visit a website that speaks their mother tongue, our crew offers dual language websites as par of our regular business proposition. That fact alone, gives us a great business advantage over the local competition. Pricing Because the biggest part of our workforce is not located in the euro area and that we have very little fixed costs (plus other benefits of globalization already explained), we are able to make a very bold business proposition to our potential customers: â€Å"we are willing to better your best offer by 20% with at least the same quality and feature definitions†. This is a plus to the fact that we offer custom made solutions, contrary to the pre-defined templates that seem to be the norm for the French market and that we speak the same language that our customers (language and culturally speaking). Action programs As a new company based in Paris, Global Web Solutions is committed to the following objectives that will guarantee maximum profitability to our shareholders. Obtain at least 25% of market share in the Latin and Chinese small and medium enterprises sector in Paris by September 30 2005. Set a milestone of 100 customers served by October of 2005. Obtain our international Quality Assurance Certificate by February 2006. Because we always have in mind that sales mean nothing if our Company does not also progress financially, we are planning to achieve an early breakeven point after just 10 (January 2006) months of commercial operation. As our first year commitment we are focused on obtaining a 35% market share (Chinese and Latin) of the Parisian market (LA and Chinese smb’s) before 2005 is over. That will allow us to establish a strong base of operations in Paris which will effectively function both, as showcase and as a stronghold to capture the whole French market. Capitalizing the experience with the Chinese and Latin Markets, we will establish an African division by the second half of 2006. For our second year and taking advantage of our acquired experience and our dominant position in Paris, we are aiming to achieve a national market share of 40% by the end of March 2006. By the end of the same year, we are aiming to achieve a dominant position in the French metropolitan market. We expect to have a profit of 400.000 euros by the end of 2006. Finally, by the end of the first half of 2007, we hope to have gained enough cash flow and goodwill, to make the leap to other EU area countries. Our Company will do that with the added funds that an Initial Public Offering in the French stock market will provide. Financial projections Financially speaking this project has very interesting features due to the scalability of the business and the low level of true fixed costs. Assumptions The very conservative assumptions used to construct this model are listed as follows (please see the appendix one for the complete cash flow projection of the first two years of operations): Sales progression: We have estimated that our level of sales is going to grow 40% during the first ten months of operations and then, due mainly to the level of quality issues, this growth is going to stabilize around a monthly 9% during the second year of operations. We have also projected that the composition of our sales is going to be 80% type I (very simple web sites) 10 Type II (websites with more than 10 web pages), 7% type III and we will have a 3% of the very complicated type IV (database setup and complete corporate solution) France-based Salaries: We have made a distinction between the two different types of employees the company has. Interns are actually cheaper in terms of contributions to the state because health insurance is still a responsibility of the school. Type of employee Base salary / hour % for the state % company contribution Total to pay/hour Total / Month Stagier $ 2.14 0.35 0.2 $ 3.32 $ 464.38 Expert salesman $ 11.00 0.23 0.4 $ 17.93 $ 2,510.20 Management Salary (starting) $ 21.43 0.35 0.4 $ 28.93 $ 4,050.00 Other fixed costs: We have also identified and projected a list of costs. Concept Monthly Cost Rent for 65 sq meters business $ 1500.00 Electricity + gas/month $ 350.00 Telephones/month $ 500.00 Company Registration costs $ 1,000.00 Offshore contacts (1 web designer) $ 700.00 Variable Costs: These costs depend on the actual level of sales and are given per unit of sales. Please take notice that ignoring for a moment our French fixed costs, the cost of a very simple; two language website is just 220 euros. Variable costs (projected averages) Hosting services $ 30.00 Web domain registration $ 50.00 Website design $ 30.00 Website construction $ 80.00 Translation (one language) $ 30.00 sub total $ 220.00 Database implementation level 1 $ 500.00 Database implementation level 2 $ 900.00 Flyer design and printing $ 1,200.00 Prices: Prices GWS Maintenance /month Industry average Complexity level 1 (1-10 pages) tailor made $ 350.00 $ 59.50 $ 900 Complexity level 2 (1-10 pages 2 languages) $ 1,200.00 $ 204.00 $ 1500 Complexity level 3 (1-10 pages + database level 1) $ 2,000.00 $ 340.00 $ 3000 Complexity level 4 (1-10 pages + database level 2) $ 2,500.00 $ 425.00 depends on complexity Flash web design $ 300.00 n/a $ 500 Java development $ 500.00 n/a depends on complexity Mail app setup $ 100.00 $ 17.00 free Expected Inflation: 2%. Our prices will increase accordingly. Tax rate: 40%. We have ignored the fact that start-up companies have access to financing and some government tax breaks. Cash Flow projection Based on the previous assumptions we can easily assure our shareholders that we will easily achieve our first financial objective, which is to break even at the end of the tenth month of operations (December 2005). Research Papers on Global Web Services - The Web Solution Your Business Is Looking ForAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaOpen Architechture a white paperThe Project Managment Office SystemIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalPETSTEL analysis of IndiaDefinition of Export QuotasBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfTwilight of the UAWMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Women And Ethics In The USAF

The company/organization that I will be discussing in regards to this module is the U.S. Air Force and how women face certain barriers within (i.e. promotion). Through my research, I found that â€Å"The Glass Ceiling† refers to the artificial barriers that women and minorities have to confront while trying to advance within their careers. The concept of the â€Å"glass ceiling† was created with the publication of the book â€Å"Breaking the Glass Ceiling† by Morrison et Al.’s, which brought the term â€Å"glass ceiling† into the lexicon in 1987. In the following years, the term came into wider usage, and the glass ceiling took off as a political issues. Today, it seems, it has become a routine practice to deny thousands of qualified women top level jobs, although being lauded for their performance. Some see the â€Å"glass ceiling† barriers toward women as nothing but an insidious form of sexual discrimination, in violation of law. A situati on which therefore should be corrected by application of affirmative action laws. According to a 2001 study commissioned by America by the Federal Glass Ceiling Commission, 97% of the senior managers of the Fortune 1000 Industrial and Fortune 500 are white, and 95-97% are male. This is occurring while 57% of the workforces are ethnic minorities, women, or both. Women constitute at the moment, 35% of the world’s labor force. The study also found that African, Hispanic(Latino), and Asian Americans do not earn the same pay for comparable positions., African Americans earning an astounding 21% less than their white counterparts in the same job. In this paper, I will relate all of this information to women who serve in the Air Force and some of the barriers they (we) face when it comes down to advancement within. Interest in the role of women in the military has been brought about by several different phenomena. The first, and probably the most powerful influence affecting women, consists of the socia... Free Essays on Women And Ethics In The USAF Free Essays on Women And Ethics In The USAF The company/organization that I will be discussing in regards to this module is the U.S. Air Force and how women face certain barriers within (i.e. promotion). Through my research, I found that â€Å"The Glass Ceiling† refers to the artificial barriers that women and minorities have to confront while trying to advance within their careers. The concept of the â€Å"glass ceiling† was created with the publication of the book â€Å"Breaking the Glass Ceiling† by Morrison et Al.’s, which brought the term â€Å"glass ceiling† into the lexicon in 1987. In the following years, the term came into wider usage, and the glass ceiling took off as a political issues. Today, it seems, it has become a routine practice to deny thousands of qualified women top level jobs, although being lauded for their performance. Some see the â€Å"glass ceiling† barriers toward women as nothing but an insidious form of sexual discrimination, in violation of law. A situati on which therefore should be corrected by application of affirmative action laws. According to a 2001 study commissioned by America by the Federal Glass Ceiling Commission, 97% of the senior managers of the Fortune 1000 Industrial and Fortune 500 are white, and 95-97% are male. This is occurring while 57% of the workforces are ethnic minorities, women, or both. Women constitute at the moment, 35% of the world’s labor force. The study also found that African, Hispanic(Latino), and Asian Americans do not earn the same pay for comparable positions., African Americans earning an astounding 21% less than their white counterparts in the same job. In this paper, I will relate all of this information to women who serve in the Air Force and some of the barriers they (we) face when it comes down to advancement within. Interest in the role of women in the military has been brought about by several different phenomena. The first, and probably the most powerful influence affecting women, consists of the socia...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Write Term Papers

How to Write Term Papers How to Write Term Papers How to Write Term PapersIn the Middle Ages, a craftsman had to demonstrate his piece of work to the officers of the guild in order to be admitted to a trade guild. If the officers approved his work, he granted the title of Master of trade. This tradition still works today, as teachers at school/college/university evaluate students skills and abilities by the academic papers they accomplish. Probably, this is the idea that every student should keep in mind when writing his/her term paper. The only question is how to write term papers. Well, in this article, you will find useful tips on how to write term papers and get only the best grades ever. In addition, you should review great tips on how to write a term paper, how to write a thesis, and how to write a research paper in our blog!How to write term papers: BrainstormingBefore you get far gathering information, you have to think of two main things:What you aim to explore;Who the reader of your paper is.How to write term papers: P icking out a topicSomeone might take choosing a topic carelessly but not you if you want to get an A+ on your paper. The right choice of a term paper topic is half the battle and a strong factor influencing the entire success on the paper. Take into consideration your personal preferences, your level of knowledge and abilities, and the readers interest as well.How to write term papers: Seeking sourcesA crucially importance feature of scholarly writing is that scholars trace each idea to its source. It means that each idea and fact should be cited, and the source from which this information was taken should be presented in the reference list. Avoid the Web sources that every visitor has an access to. It is better to use books from your school library or educational websites.How to write term papers: OutliningA comprehensive outline will help you find connections between the pieces of information and find out what is worth or does not worth talking about. Think what might be mentioned first, then second, third, etc.How to write a term paper clearlyPeople tend to write clearly if they know what they are trying to say. Express your thoughts as if you are trying to explain a little boy an overcomplicated subject. First, do not pay attention to the grammar and spelling. You will come back to them after the full text is ready.How to write term papers: EditingFirst, proofread what you have written and try to find misunderstanding and shortcomings in the logic of narration. Then, pass to the grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Check the format.Our tips on how to write term papers will certainly help you if you take them into consideration. Do not forget to take a look at guidelines on how to write an essay and how to write a book report . You will definitely find them helpful!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Cultural Tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cultural Tourism - Essay Example In looking at the official national website for Sri Lanka tourism, the first word that appears is heritage. This indicates a strong need for the country to promote the historical value of its country as being central to the event of a vacation within their borders. The website promotes a sense of otherness, attuned to Western sensibilities, through depicting men sitting on elephants, a lounging leopard, and an exotic woman reclining in what appears to be a spa atmosphere. The experience is connected back to the Western traveler through an image of a Caucasian man on a surfboard and a modern look at a beach. The emphasis is on the exotic, with a connection to the modern Western ideal in order to attract a broad set of travelers. The official national website for the Maldives has a picture of a surfer, swimming below the water towards the surface on a submerged board. The image evokes the sense of the beach, a cool splash of water against the heat of the sun. The first sub-category tha t is presented is titled culture. Just like the Sri Lanka website, the first promotional factor is the differences in culture that a Western traveler would encounter when visiting the country. The two subsequent headings promote diving and the opportunity for a honeymoon in the Maldives. The website reveals the daily temperature and has links to further information about where to stay and where to go, just like the Sri Lanka website. The otherness that is expressed in both websites leads the traveler towards thoughts of adventure. In creating an enticement to travel to the region, the websites are intended to evoke a sense of newness of experience so that the traveler will want to know what they do not yet know. The imagery also suggests that the locations have the element of the exotic, the â€Å"erotics of imperial conquest† as explored by McClintock (24). While the eroticism is not blatant, the notion that the locations will bring to the vacationer an experience that is de fined by adventure suggests that the attendee will be able to conquer an unknown territory. The use of the woman in the spa-like atmosphere on the advertisement for Sri Lanka can be linked to the desire to equate sensuality with the experience of visiting the island. McClintock states that â€Å"women served as mediating and threshold figures by means of which men oriented themselves in space, as agents of power and agents of knowledge† (24). The boundaries of the world have been typically characterized as women, objectifying the presence of the female spirit within the framework of territory. Through using a female image in a position of sensuality, this concept is continued into the modern day discourse about the experience of visiting a new land, thus having conquered that experience. The Maldives have a different approach to enticing their visitors. The site is full of images of the rich blue of the sea in contrast to the strand of islands. Several images of surfers, thei r boards planted beneath their feet and their bodies arched in control of their activity, grace the pages of their website. This evokes a different type of feeling towards the experience. This suggests that the natural environment is what will be conquered in visiting the isla

Friday, October 18, 2019

The food crisis of 2008 had been threatening for a few years, mostly Essay - 1

The food crisis of 2008 had been threatening for a few years, mostly affecting the poor. A variety of causes but mostly man-made - Essay Example In this essay, the writer attempts to explicate that among variegated causes of food crisis are population explosion, mismatch of developmental priorities, environmental degradation and climate change. Population explosion The world has reached a population of 6.85 billion in the mid-year of 2010 and is estimated to reach 7 billion by the end of 2011 (Rosenberg, 2011). This increasing statistics of population could reach a peak that challenges the limited resources of the world. This situation is further compounded with massive influx of people from the rural communities, with whom nations relied for agricultural production, into the urban community in search for jobs that can immediately transform labor to money. Most of whom unfortunately dwell in ghettos and less conductive urban communities, except for those who were lucky to land in corporate jobs or in entrepreneurial initiatives. This rise of global population and anent urbanization trend, if uncontrolled, has serious implicat ion to food insecurity, mortality rate or severe malnourishment of children. It will generally affect the quality of life, delivery of social services, cause resource conflicts and increase of criminal rates and social malaise (Rosenberg, 2011). Thus, governments especially in developing countries have been advocating for reproductive health matters to limit populations in consideration to limited resources and services to be accorded to people. This is evidenced as crises are more felt in urban areas where people are vulnerable to volatile markets. On the other hand, rural communities are also confronted with difficulties in feeding their families with low income from farm produce against costly farm inputs and inflation (Lean, 2008) of prime commodities e.g. rice, sugar, oil and including skyrocketing prices of tuition fees in educational institutions, transportation and livestock’s food. Housing is incredibly a problem and albeit construction of villages, these homes are a ffordable only for those who have achieved a certain level of affluence to purchase properties. Indeed, increase of population means scaling up of utilization and maximization of resources, hence the wanton use of rainforests and wildlife. The inability to balance human needs and protection of environment presents detrimental condition—a world’s peril and damaging conflict of resource. Mismatch of Developmental Needs Recent developments made people grow grain to make fuel. Others raise crocodiles to fashion expensive bags. The worst side of this is that some countries are producing massive pineapples, mangoes, vegetation, rice and got best fishes only to be exported to rich countries while farmers, fishers and laborer were paid barely an amount for subsistence. In some developing countries, hug trees are cut to meet the construction needs of foreign nations while those who are leaving in logged sites content themselves with indigenous materials to live. People live in such irony. In United States, while there is recognition of decreasing wheat production as food in the last decades, whilst grain and oilseeds were also diverted for biofuel  production (US Department of State, 2009). Such impacted to the prices of wheat and rice just as how the use of palm oil for biofuel is affecting soybeans and vegetable oils’s pricing. This is further influenced by monopolistic capitals which dictate prices in the market and exacerbated the effects of inflation rates. There is therefore an urgent need to evaluate development programs

The future of healthcare Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The future of healthcare - Coursework Example The administrators have to keep up with advances technology by updating their skills in technology to offer guidance on the use of these technologies (Mandl & Kohane, 2012). In the next decade, the proportion of America senior citizens will increase. The average life expectancy in the US has risen from 47 years in 1900 to about 79 years, and it is estimated that it will be around 84 in 2050 (Schiller et al., 2012). Death rates are gradually reducing as the life expectancy of the people goes up. The changing trend will compel health care administrators to increase funds for the long-term care and develop substitutes for nursing homes. The rise in the number of older patients from the Boomer generation and the loss of providers is a significant challenge to the health care system in the country (Schiller et al., 2012). Administrators have to ensure that they set aside enough resources to guarantee that the aged patients receive the much-needed medical services. Improved funding will ensure that the old generation receives the best medical services. Schiller, S., Lucas, W., Ward, W., & Peregoy, A. (2012). Summary health statistics for US Adults: National health interview survey, 2010. Vital and Health Statistics. Series 10, Data from The National Health Survey, (252),

Is the desire to obtain a degree simply another example of objet petit Outline

Is the desire to obtain a degree simply another example of objet petit a - Outline Example This paper seeks to explore whether the desire to obtain a degree is simply another example of objet petit a or not and in doing so the theoretical perspectives of Lacan on desire and fantasy are also analysed. The objet petit a, in fact, operates due to the fascination of the subject towards the object and the internal and external perspectives of the subject also are significant. It is therefore imperative to analyse the fascination of the subject towards attaining a degree in the case of a person who wishes ardently for this object. The effects of objet petit a intensify as this fascination grows. However, one should bear in mind that â€Å"the object petit a, or at least the fascinating effect the object which bears it has upon the subject who is under its thrall, has no â€Å"objective† reality independently of this subject† (Sharpe 2005). Thus, Lacan purports that the subject never losses the object as he/she has never possessed it in reality. On the other hand the objet petit a is the desire for a fundamentally lost object. An individual who fails to accomplish his long cherished dream of obtaining a degree is subject to the fascinating effect of the object. On the oth er hand, it is quite evident that the subject cherishes a very strong desire for this fundamentally lost object (objet petit a) towards attaining the degree. One needs to distinguish between Lacan’s conception of fantasy and objet petit a. The fundamental fantasy of an individual stems from â€Å"small unconscious rebellions of subjects against the losses that they take themselves to have endured when they acceded to socialization† (Sharpe 2005). Thus, every individual tends to fantasise a lost object and for Lacan this lost object is nothing but the objet petit a-the object cause of desire. Here, the subject too experiences ‘small unconscious rebellions’ against his loss of the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Nurse' Responsability in the Prevention of Medical Errors Essay

The Nurse' Responsability in the Prevention of Medical Errors - Essay Example In its report titled To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System (2000), the Institute of Medicine (IOM) noted that between 44,000 and 98,000 Americans die annually in U.S. hospitals owing to preventable medical errors. A medical error infers an adverse event that can be avoided given the current state of medical knowledge. IOM working definition of medical error details the failure of a planned action to be concluded as proposed or the application of a wrong plan to attain the aim. Errors in this sense incorporate problems in practice, products, procedures, and systems. There is no single unanimously acknowledged method of classifying medical errors. However, there are five distinct categorizations of medical errors. These include forms of healthcare given such as medication, surgery, and diagnostic imaging; severity of the injury encompassing minor discomfort, death, and serious injury. Other categorizations include legal definitions of issues such as negligence and malpractice ; the setting encompassing hospital, emergency room, nursing home, and intensive care unit, and persons involved such as a physician, nurse, pharmacist, and patient. Medical errors impede therapeutic outcomes and can cause severe illness or death. In addition, medical errors may lead to litigation against healthcare providers. Causes of Medical Errors The core causes of medical errors are multifaceted, and no single factor can be demarcated to be the principal origin of medical errors. However, medical errors mainly flow from factors like communication errors; for example, misinterpretation of the doctor’s prescription may lead to instances of medication mix-up, where the administered drugs detail closely similar names. In addition, medical errors may emanate from human errors stemming from overwork and burnout. Some medical errors are attributable to the long working hours that medical professionals cover. The onset of managed care has heralded the reduction of size of nursi ng staff, while compelling others to work mandatory overtime shifts. Other causes include increasing specialization and fragmentation of the healthcare sector. The number of people involved in patient’s treatment is commensurate with occurrences of medical errors. Furthermore, medical errors emanate from manufacturing errors, equipment failure, diagnostic errors, and poorly designed buildings and facilities (Westrick & Dempski, 2009). Steps or Measures that Nurses can take in order to Prevent Medical Errors Healthcare professionals such as nurses should guarantee the quality of treatment, although a significant share of responsibility lies with patients in avoiding medical errors. The single most significant way in which nurses can aid in prevention of medical errors is being active members of their healthcare team. Healthcare providers must work successfully in collaborative teams in order to enhance patient safety. Nurses should adopt stricter standards of acceptable error rates. This will be crucial in making significant strides in enhancing safety and minimizing error. The commitment towards enhancing the quality of medical care and associated processes is one of the steps that nurses should adopt to reduce errors. Nurses should also report medical errors in order to improve the process. Reporting of medical errors plays a crucial role in abating further errors

Responding to a Prompt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Responding to a Prompt - Essay Example From the discussion it is clear that  the language of British and English culture had a huge impact on Southern China and Hong Kong’s society for over one hundred years. The early contacts between the European merchants and missionaries on one side and the Chinese officials and emperors, on the other hand, clearly accepted the high social standing of the Chinese. Even after China’s defeat in the 1840 Opium Wars, the country’s rulers and public regularly encouraged the notion of restoring China’s honor. Every war, even when China was defeated resulted in more nationalist awareness among the Chinese. Even when they were affected by Japanese modernization after the Meiji Restoration of 1868, the Chinese distinguished between fundamental values and techniques for use. Adopting Chinese tradition as the foundation and applying Western ideals for application was a concept advanced by some Chinese philosophers in the late 19th century.This paper stresses that  the developments after the Chinese Revolution showed that all foreign impacts were partially incorporated into the domestic struggles resulting in unique Chinese experiments and strategies. Even when China opted to adopt Western theories and methods, concepts about society and nature they did it from a standing of independence and self-confidence. Unlike India, China was not a colony. It was a semi-colony under different domination by the Japanese and European powers.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Nurse' Responsability in the Prevention of Medical Errors Essay

The Nurse' Responsability in the Prevention of Medical Errors - Essay Example In its report titled To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System (2000), the Institute of Medicine (IOM) noted that between 44,000 and 98,000 Americans die annually in U.S. hospitals owing to preventable medical errors. A medical error infers an adverse event that can be avoided given the current state of medical knowledge. IOM working definition of medical error details the failure of a planned action to be concluded as proposed or the application of a wrong plan to attain the aim. Errors in this sense incorporate problems in practice, products, procedures, and systems. There is no single unanimously acknowledged method of classifying medical errors. However, there are five distinct categorizations of medical errors. These include forms of healthcare given such as medication, surgery, and diagnostic imaging; severity of the injury encompassing minor discomfort, death, and serious injury. Other categorizations include legal definitions of issues such as negligence and malpractice ; the setting encompassing hospital, emergency room, nursing home, and intensive care unit, and persons involved such as a physician, nurse, pharmacist, and patient. Medical errors impede therapeutic outcomes and can cause severe illness or death. In addition, medical errors may lead to litigation against healthcare providers. Causes of Medical Errors The core causes of medical errors are multifaceted, and no single factor can be demarcated to be the principal origin of medical errors. However, medical errors mainly flow from factors like communication errors; for example, misinterpretation of the doctor’s prescription may lead to instances of medication mix-up, where the administered drugs detail closely similar names. In addition, medical errors may emanate from human errors stemming from overwork and burnout. Some medical errors are attributable to the long working hours that medical professionals cover. The onset of managed care has heralded the reduction of size of nursi ng staff, while compelling others to work mandatory overtime shifts. Other causes include increasing specialization and fragmentation of the healthcare sector. The number of people involved in patient’s treatment is commensurate with occurrences of medical errors. Furthermore, medical errors emanate from manufacturing errors, equipment failure, diagnostic errors, and poorly designed buildings and facilities (Westrick & Dempski, 2009). Steps or Measures that Nurses can take in order to Prevent Medical Errors Healthcare professionals such as nurses should guarantee the quality of treatment, although a significant share of responsibility lies with patients in avoiding medical errors. The single most significant way in which nurses can aid in prevention of medical errors is being active members of their healthcare team. Healthcare providers must work successfully in collaborative teams in order to enhance patient safety. Nurses should adopt stricter standards of acceptable error rates. This will be crucial in making significant strides in enhancing safety and minimizing error. The commitment towards enhancing the quality of medical care and associated processes is one of the steps that nurses should adopt to reduce errors. Nurses should also report medical errors in order to improve the process. Reporting of medical errors plays a crucial role in abating further errors

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The power of language Essay Example for Free

The power of language Essay Although Susanne Langer did a study on humans and animals to show signs vs. symbols in understanding language, Helen Keller and Malcolm X took different paths on discovering the power of language. Langer brings up how there is a difference between symbols and signs, which most people consider them one in the same. For Keller she was deaf and blind from the age of 19 months, where she had difficulty learning how to communicate and understand language. In Malcolm X’s case, he was a street hustler who didn’t get proper education and was frustrated when he couldn’t get his point across through his letters he wrote. In â€Å"Language and thought† it was said, â€Å"A sign is anything that announces the existence or the imminence of some event, the presence of a thing or a person, or a change in the state of affairs† (Langer, Pg. 28). Where both humans and animals use signs all the time. For both of us sounds, smells, and motions could be signs of food, danger, the presence of others around us, or of a storm approaching. For animals they use signs for defense, to call out for others, signs of feelings or intentions to be reckoned with or just to let them in. Humans use signs way more than animals in their everyday life. We answer calls, read other peoples expressions, watch the sky or animals for coming storms, cross streets when there’s a walk man, or wait when it says, stop at red lights and go at green. â€Å"In every case a sign is closely bound up with something to be noted or expected in experience† (Langer, Pg. 28). â€Å"A symbol differs from a sign in that it does not announce the presence of the object, the being, condition, or whatnot, which is its meaning, but merely brings this thing to mind. † (Langer, Pg. 28). The difference between sign and symbol is that a sign generates us â€Å"to think or act in the face of the thing signified†, and a symbol is people’s concept of the thing symbolized. There are many things that are considered symbols, including words, pictures and memories. For example a heart is a symbol of love and a picture of a smiley face is a symbol of happiness. There are symbols everywhere with great significance or little value. But, according to Langer â€Å"The essence of language is symbolic, not signific. † (Langer, Pg. 31) Since Helen Keller was deaf and blind from a very young age, she didn’t know how to communicate her wants, needs and connect with the people around her. So finally at the age of seven her parents reached out to a teacher familiar with teaching the blind and deaf. Her teachers name was Miss Sullivan who taught her how to communicate by writing the words in Helens hand and letting her feel or touch the object to grasp exactly what it was. It started of with small inanimate objects like doll, hat and cup. Each time they would progress to more difficult words like sit, stand, walk and water. They went from words to sentences to trying to figure out how to explain the word love. Once she understood miss Sullivan’s definition of love, Keller â€Å"felt that there were invisible lines stretched between her spirit and the spirits of others† (Keller Pg. 68) She came to the realization that the deaf and blind have a more difficult time acquiring the amenities of conversation, which she accepts and understands. Malcolm X grew up in the hustler kind of environment, where he never had a good education and didn’t have to really communicate properly. Soon after Malcolm got arrested for burglary and was in jail, he became obsessed with the written word and books. He would send letters to people he had known in the hustling world, the mayor of Boston, the Governor of Massachusetts and harry S. Truman. Not one of them would write back, which made Malcolm more and more frustrated. He started off trying to read books to gain knowledge but it was useless because Malcolm didn’t understand most of the words in the books. So he decided the best thing was for him to read a dictionary, to study and learn more adequate words to add to his vocabulary. It started by copying and handwriting every word into his tablet, with every punctuation mark. After he wrote the words he would read them over and over, aloud and wake up thinking about those words. This continued until Malcolm copied the whole dictionary and knew almost every word he could. When he was done he picked up a book and could now understand what it was about. Malcolm said â€Å"I never had been so truly free in my life† (Malcolm Pg. 64). From signs and symbols having different meanings in life to finding enlightenment through a dictionary. All three of these authors have come a long way on their paths of discovering and understanding the power of language and communication. With curiosity, research, self-determination, persistence and keeping an open mind, the world of language can be explored to great measures into understanding its meaning and value.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Ethics in social research

Ethics in social research Ethics in research has been around since World War II and is still to this day a growing concern among researchers. The main aim of the researcher is to ensure that their studies are directed toward worthwhile goals and that the welfare of their subjects and their research colleagues is protected. Alan Kimmel, 1988 There are several reasons why it is important for an investigator to adhere to ethical standards in research. First, some of these norms promote the aims of research, such as knowledge, truth, and avoidance of error. For example, prohibitions against fabricating, forging, or misrepresenting research data to promote the truth and avoid error. Second, since research often involves a great deal of cooperation and coordination among many different people in different disciplines and institutions, many of these ethical standards promote the values that are essential to collaborative work, such as trust, accountability, mutual respect, and fairness. For instance, one particular ethical norm, confidentiality, is designed to protect intellectual interests while encouraging collaboration among the participants. Third, ethical norms in research also help to build public support for research. People are more likely to fund research project if they can trust the quality and integrity of research (this particular example is relevant to the scenario being assessed.) Finally, many of the standards of research promote a variety of other important moral and social values, such as social responsibility, human rights, and compliance with the law So although all these codes, policies and principles are very important and useful but like any set of rules they do not cover every situation that arises in research, they are often conflicting and require considerable interpretation. It is therefore important for the researcher to learn how to interpret, assess and apply various research rules and how to make decisions about how to act in various circumstances. The vast majority of decision making in the conduct of research involves the straightforward application of ethical policies. Ethical issues that are encountered in applied social research are both subtle and complex, raising difficult moral dilemmas that, from the outside, appear unresolvable. With these dilemmas the researcher is required to strike a delicate balance between the scientific or social requirement of methodology and the human rights and values potentially threatened by the research. Privacy and confidentiality are two ethical issues that are crucial to social researchers who request individuals to share with them their thoughts attitudes and experiences. The ethical social researcher is one who is aware of ways in which privacy and confidentiality may be jeopardised and safeguarded and is knowledgeable about the effects of privacy and confidentiality on consent. The nature of privacy concerns has changed over time as social scientists have become more involved in identifying social problems and testing possible solutions through field research (Boruch Cecil, 1979) Organisational research focus is directed toward personnel relating issues, including the testing and appraisal of employees for personnel decisions. In conducting these investigations, researchers and consultants may seek to improve on organisations capacities to achieve various goals (e.g. profit for a business, its employees quality of work life or the impact of the organisation on communities in isolate rural areas. Evaluation research is a major type of applied research, typically undertaken by social scientists to determine if ongoing social programs are working as they should. Evaluations tend to focus on programs that are beneficial in nature, such as remedial education, health care and job training programs. The results of an evaluation study, in revealing whether a social program is accomplishing what was intended can have immediate impact on social policy and political decisions regarding the programs fate whether it should be continued or stopped, its budget and personnel increased or cut backs made. There are a number of vested interests in the design and implementation of evaluation studies and because their results are likely to affect peoples jobs, education and health. Like research conducted in organisations, evaluation research raises some unique ethical questions about whose interests are served an whose point of view should be represented during the research process (Kidder Judd, 1986) With this particular scenario there are two different situations where ethical issues will arise. Firstly, you begin to suspect that food is being stolen from the kitchen and the viability of the project may be at risk. From a researchers point of view suspicions would need to be backed up with hard evidence. If you were to say to you manager, you run the risk of them discharging you and not allowing you to carry out anymore research how could you possibly imagine that of any of their staff? Although on the other hand if your manager was to take you suspicions on board and further investigate the matter over a closely surveyed period of time, they may benefit and appreciate your integrity that you hold with the company. In a case like this it is often difficult for the evaluator to separate their research role from their role as a work experience placement student. You have been promised the confidentiality of the staff and if you were to say anything about the stolen food it could affect your research and you rapport with the staff. The staff may turn against you and refuse to cooperate after you telling the boss on one of their colleagues. Throughout the research you must remember what the objective is and if you remain silent with your suspicions, will your results in anyway end up being bias? This will reflect an untrue outcome and the company could face further scrutiny from the funding body. There is also the legality aspect for the researcher to consider and stealing is against the law, could you live with yourself if you thought that you were covering up for a criminal, no matter how small the offence was? In failing to voice your suspicions Kimmel, (1988) stated you legally could face prosecution as an accessory after the fact for failure to report a crime. If I were to be placed in this situation I personally would confront the manager of the company and explain my situation with regards to my research. I believe that stealing is wrong and should not take place no matter how big or small the offence is. Although I can understand why somebody may not say and not only put their research at rick but their social responsibility. The second scenario where the researcher will be confronted by ethical dilemmas is in carrying out the interviews with some of the senior citizens that are receiving these Meals on Wheels. To carry out interviews you will need the consent of the person involved, some elderly clients may not like the prospect of being intimated with questions. The elderly are of the vulnerable sector in our population and should be informed of why the interview is taking place and the effects that their answers could have on the survival and funding of the business while always remembering the objectivity of the research and expressing it in clarity to the senior citizens. The interview will involve asking how they feel about receiving their Meals on Wheels, how they approve of the service and how would they feel if this service was to be taken away from them? This could cause distress and emotional shock among the elderly, especially if they thought that their opinion meant the deciding factor of whe ther the company received funding to continue its business. Many of the elderly could largely depend on this service and there must be no deception in making them fully aware why the interviews are taken place. The senior citizens should be made aware that the researcher will be evaluating and publishing their results to the company and will have to give an open and honest account of what has been said in the interviews. The researcher is under the obligation from the code of ethics so as not to fabricate the data in anyway. The researcher, if a member of the local community, may feel tempted to fabricate the interview responses so as the company will receive their funding to finance this project as they realise how vital this scheme is for the elderly in this isolated rural area but as Kimmel noted personnel values may play a significant role in social research, therefore researchers must be careful enough to protect the integrity of their inquiries through careful data collection and analysis and accurate and objective reporting of their research findings. If I were the researcher in carrying out the interviews I would make the elderly entirely aware of the project and encourage them to see how they are beneficiaries of it. This in return will boost their confidence of the company and help portray a better interview for the research. After all if you were a senior citizen who lived in an isolated area and the only person you may see everyday is the delivery driver of Meals on Wheels, wouldnt you appreciate the service? Not only are they providing a food service but they also help to bring a warm and friendly atmosphere into the home. In conclusion ethical decision making is neither a perfectly rational nor entirely timeless enterprise, and even after a considered judgement about the issues involved in a given situation has been made, doubts about whether or not ones subsequent behaviour was ethical may remain. As we continue to proceed with social research in applied settings, we can expect a growing wealth of documentation on the conditions under which certain interventions are successful in reducing certain social problems and on what side effects might be anticipated as a result of their implementation. To proceed ethically it is important for social researchers to bear in mind that their first obligation is to those persons who cooperate with and participate in the research process, and that it is their interests that first must be considered during the preparatory stages of program development. References Kimmel, A (1988) Ethics and Values in Applied Social Research Sage Publications London

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Animal Rights in the Media Essay -- social issues

Animal Rights in the Media This essay will explore the moral and ethical issues raised by human superiority over animals, why we shouldn’t have any superiority, and how this subject is portrayed in a variety of different media. The world today is becoming less aware of the pain and suffering being inflicted on animals. As a result, animals are becoming even more and more downtrodden in society. Humans have, and continue to, treat animals as if they are property, as if we can own and therefore control their lives and what happens to them. This is immoral, animals are here for themselves, animals have their own lives, and they think, have feelings, feel pain, require love (from their own species), feel emotional hurt, have families, and everything else that humans do. To just simply say that non-human animals should have no rights because they’re â€Å"defective† is a mindless statement! People come to this â€Å"conclusion† because they come up with some mindless babble like, non-human animals can’t talk, drive cars or vote, therefore they have no non-tradable properties. Well answer me this; do non-human animals have the right to exist in their natural environment and express behaviours that matter to them? We withhold non-human animals the very basic rights, simply because they don’t resemble humans. Humans are speciest. Humans are callous, brutal and cold-blooded towards non-human animals; humans have no consideration for the feelings and suffering which they selfishly inflict on animals. When a human kills another human they are the disgrace of the country, the headlines in the news, and all they did was kill one human, one insignificant human life. Yet, no one seems to care that everyday billions upon billions of innocent animals are being sickeningly, nauseatingly, hideously, vilely, unanaesthetically murdered for meat. If you think the process of that cute cow in the field to the steak on your plate is all candy and roses, then here is an extract from a very informative article on the way in which an animal is killed to become meat, (something that humans have no nutritional requirement for!). â€Å"Death came in the form of a pneumatic nail gun that was placed against their heads and fired. The gun is designed so that the nail never completely leaves the gun, but simply is blown into the animal's head and then pulled out by the butcher as the animal co... ...or things as vain as make-up, yes that’s right, millions of whales are murdered to make useless cosmetics, vain and heartless! This book shows man in his most arrogant state, it shows that humans will stop at nothing, they don’t care if it involves the ruthless torture of non-human animals, as long as their profiting then they don’t care. So as all the sources show, humans are heartless and speciest. The way in which humans treat non-human animals needs drastic changing; we should not be exploiting them for any reason at all. There are not here to serve us, they are here for there own purposes. One final question for you to consider; â€Å"If possessing a higher degree of intelligence does not entitle one human to use another for his own ends, how can it entitle humans to exploit non-humans?† References Sewell, A. (1877) Black Beauty, United States of America: Nancy Springer Ø Smith, V. (1943) Musco – Blue Whale, Maryborough, Vic: Hedges & Bell Pty. Ltd Ø Andre (1996) Ø Gifford, D. (2001) â€Å"meat is murder†, URL: Ø Pyers, G & Gott, R. (1994) â€Å"Treated like animals†, The relationships between people and animals, Carlton, Vic: CIS publishers

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Macbeth was a Bloody Butcher in Shakespeares Macbeth :: essays research papers

The play 'Macbeth' by William Shakespeare gives the audience plenty of opportunities to consider the reasons for Macbeth's actions, whither he had turned mad, or he was just simply bad. I will look at to the extent to which Macbeth is responsible for his own actions, as well as the contributions of other characters through an analysis of the playwright's dramatic techniques. After studying the play in detail I feel that although Macbeth was encouraged at the start he started planning executions on his own and by the end of the play, Macbeth's downfall showed him to be a bloody butcher. The play is about a ?golden couple,? Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Macbeth encounters witches who prophecies Macbeth as a king. This spurs them both to kill the king and over time power gets to them and Macbeth becomes a cold hearted butcher. The character of Macbeth is very complicated, which makes it difficult to arrive at a definite decision about how much he is to blame. At the start of the play Macbeth is held in high regard by many people. An example of this is when a sergeant from the army describes his as ? For brave Macbeth - well he deserves that name? He is also thought of as a respected cousin by the king who calls him ? O worthiest cousin? , this shows us that Macbeth was valued by many people as the Thane of Glamis. When Macbeth and Banquo meet the witches, Macbeth seems intrigued. On three occasions Macbeth demands to know more ? Speak, I charge you.? Banquo however does not want to hear what these witches have to say. This shows us that Macbeth is weak and vain, as he likes what the witches have to say. Macbeth is far too easily seduced and completely taken in by these witches. When Macbeth objects to Duncan?s murder this is letting us see that Macbeth has a conscience, ? We will proceed no further in this business.? Although he is persuaded afterwards he feels extremely guilty , ?I?ll go no more, I am afraid to think what I have done.? If Macbeth was such a bloody butcher, then why would he think twice about killing Duncan and afterwards why would he feel guilty ? A particular technique Shakespeare uses to make Macbeth seem more human is soliloquy. This lets the audience know what Macbeth is feeling and what he is thinking about.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Paper on US Presidential Campaigns

This has been the strangest of American election campaigns; the most exciting in 40 years in terms of the closeness of the contest, yet one in which both major candidates have utterly failed to capture the national imagination. The lead in the polls has changed hands half a dozen times since September and, even at this late stage, only the very bravest dare forecast the outcome. Campaigning, alas, tends to bring out the worst in Gore. As the standard-bearer of the incumbent party, he should have long since locked up this election. Yet his turgid style, his maddening tendency to condescension, and his craven unwillingness to depart from the script provided by his advisers have combined to squander the â€Å"peace and prosperity† factor that should have guaranteed victory. It should be said, too, that his Republican opponent, George W Bush, has improved considerably as the campaign has progressed. Not only has he won the personality contest, a vital component of any American election, hands down; he has held his own in the second debate, adroitly focused his attack on Gore's weak points, and avoided the gaffes that everyone expected. In short, he has done enough to make a plausible president. But that does not mean he would be a good president. His short attention span, his pervasive lacks of curiosity, his general lightness of being, remain unnerving. He has mastered his lines, but all too often does not seem to understand them. On the domestic front, Gore's ideas for using the massive budget surpluses ahead are far more convincing; his ideas on abortions, global warming, education, and campaign-finance reform more clearly address the problems facing America. Gore-appointed justices in the Supreme Court would offer added protection against a social lurch to the right. Al Gore believes that a woman should have a right to legal abortions, and that they should be â€Å"safe and rare.† Gore supports FDA approval of abortion pill Mifeprex and he wants to reinforce security around clinics to protect the doctors who perform abortions, and the patients who seek their services. â€Å"I think it†s up to the woman, and I strongly support a woman†s right to chose, and I support the FDA†s approval, assuming it†s safe for the woman who takes it,† said Gore. Bush on the other hand disagrees completely saying that the FDA†s decision was totally wrong. Ensuring Clean and Reliable Sources of Electricity: Al Gore's plan would ensure clean and reliable sources of electricity by enhancing our nation's capacities to reliably generate and distribute electricity and by providing market-based incentives to clean up aging power plants. Gore revived the issue of global warming, a subject from his past that he has generally ignored this year. Seizing on a new UN report asserting that pollution appears to be raising world temperatures, Gore tried to portray global warming as a populist issue. He called the effort to stop global warming a fight against big polluters, in an attack similar to those he has made on drug companies, insurance companies, & health-maintenance organizations. â€Å"It does not have to happen and won†t happen if we put our minds to solving this problem,† Gore said of the predicted rise in temperature and problems that would create. Gore†s turn to global warming suggests he now thinks he can use the subject to cast an unfavorable light on Bush, who has expressed skepticism about the danger. Bush says, â€Å"It†s an issue that we need to take very seriously. I don†t think we know the solution to global warming yet and I don†t think we†ve got all the facts before we make decisions.† In the field of education Gore says: â€Å"We can't reform education with half an agenda. We can't make education our top priority if huge tax cuts for the wealthy are already the first, second, and third priority. That's really the choice we face: a commitment to education for life or a set of priorities that could leave us with budget deficits for life.† He argues that if you drain the money away from the public schools for private vouchers, it hurts the public schools. George W. Bush has a narrower education agenda because his massive tax cut leaves few resources to invest in education. Vice President Al Gore supports reforms to eliminate gray areas in legislation. He backs McCain-Feingold Bill because it†s that important that all of the issues like prescription drugs for seniors that is opposed by the drug companies, will be easier to pass if we limit the influence of special interests. Whereas Bush supports an effort to ban corporate soft money & labor union soft money. Bush thinks that there needs to be instant disclosure on the Internet as to who†s given to whom. Gore supports using $2.2 trillion of the Social Security surpluses to shore up the program and pay down the debt, thus saving billions of dollars in interest, which can be redirected to ensuring the solvency of the Social Security trust fund until at least 2050. He supports the elimination of the Social Security earnings limit, which the president signed into law on April 7, 2000. Gore supports an increase in benefits for widows and eliminating the â€Å"motherhood penalty† — the resulting reduction in benefits for women who take time off from work to raise children. â€Å"I do not believe it's right to play games with Social Security or pit young against old in a scramble to fulfill extravagant and competing campaign promises,† he said in a speech in Kissimmee, in central Florida. â€Å"I believe we have to strengthen Social Security by giving unprecedented new opportunities for families to save more, invest more and get higher returns,† Gore said. Bush does not rule out the possibility of rising the eligibility age for baby boom-era recipients as part of trade-off for private investment accounts. Bush freely admits that he would rely on advisers. They are an indisputably reassuring bunch, led by Colin Powell, his likely Secretary of State, and Dick Cheney, his running mate and a former Secretary of Defense. But what if the advisers disagree? Again, I come back to Bush's lack of depth. The Republican might have won the campaign. But Gore deserves to win the election and the presidency; Gore†s views are clearly more logical and realistic to this country and that†s why I would vote for Gore.